【同义词辨析】 2020-08-10 不公injustice-grievance

injustice: applies to any act that involves unfairness to a person or violation of rights: the ~ inflicted by society.     violation侵犯implies the flagrant disregard of the law or the rights of others and often suggests the exercise of force or violence公然不顾法律或他人权利,常暗示暴力,如the police intervention was a violation of the right to assembly警方干涉侵犯了集会权)

injury: applies specifically to an injustice for which ther is a legal remedy: a libeled reputation is legally considered an ~.   legal remedy法律补偿       又如she was awarded $3,500 for injury to her feelings她判得 3,500美元精神损失/伤害赔偿,如damages may be awarded for emotional injury可能会判处精神损失/伤害赔偿

wrong: applies in law to any act punishable according to the criminal code and connotes a flagant injustice: a crusading reporter determined to right society's ~s. criminal code刑法典,刑法

grievance: applies to any circumstance or condition that, in the opinion of the one affected, constitutes an injustice or gives just grounds for complaint: a committee for investigating employee ~s.           如they had a legitimate grievance他们的抱怨是合理的,如does the company have a formal grievance procedure公司有正式投诉程序吗?

injustice不公: 泛指不公平侵犯权利,injury损失伤害: 特指可以寻求法律补偿的不公,wrong严重侵犯 : 法律上指严重侵犯,应受刑罚,grievance委屈不满抱怨: 指遭受不公理应投诉

记忆方法: 1)首字母IIWG我假发(wig法官戴假发)<==消灭不公    ""的意思是"和私相对",说文: "公,平分也"。私的古字是"",公从八从厶,表示将私平分,韩非说: "仓颉之作书也,自环者谓之私,背私者谓之公"。上边的""表示分离,和"分"表示用刀分离类似。后来引申为对祖先的尊称,对大臣诸侯的尊称。本义: 分私为公,进而表示公共共同,礼记中: 大道之行,天下为when the great way is followed, all under heaven will be equal进一步表示不但公共共同,而且不偏私贪赃,即公平。"公正"类似,表示不偏私、奖惩严明。

         2)不公的意思是使遭受不应有的损害损失苦难mean an act that inflicts undeserved damage, loss, or hardship on a person.